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Dominik's internship week in the IT department

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Dominik - 16 years old, secondary school-leaving certificate at the GMS Ergolding - is currently taking a pre-vocational training course at the BFZ Straubing (Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft). During his internship, he accompanied our George - System Engineer in our Technology Unit - for one week.


He has summarised his experiences for us below: 


Day 1 - Getting to know each other  

On my first day of my internship, I received a warm welcome. George took me on a guided tour through the Donau plant and then through plant 2. A great first insight and a nice start to the week. 

Day 2- Server room 

On the second day we went underground to the server room where all internal and external networks are managed. All the important servers, firewalls and distributors are installed here and I was allowed to check the connections of the switches - that is, check the fibre optic cables at the switch. 


Day 3- Distribution cabinets 

On the third day, I accompanied George through the different plants and halls to the so-called distribution cabinets. In each department there are such distribution cabinets, which are connected to the server room and through which all software, the network and the intranet are operated. An exciting insight into how something like this works! 

Day 4- Setting up and preparing laptops 

As I have noticed, digitalisation is very important at Strama. Therefore, IT provides all employees with a laptop on which all necessary programmes are already pre-installed. I was allowed to help both with setting up the laptops and with minor repairs using professional tools. 

Day 5- Setting up mobile phones 

On the next and last day, I got to do it myself - this time it was about setting up mobile phones! For mobile working and to be reachable on the road, the employees need a mobile phone and this is also pre-installed by IT and set up with the respective user account. 

The internship at Strama was a lot of fun and super instructive! I was looked after very nicely, shown a lot of things and had all my questions answered. The fact that I was able to accompany George and look over his shoulder gave me a real insight into working life.

Would you also like to do a (student) internship with us? Then take a look and get a varied insight into our world of mechanical engineering and the possibilities of our apprenticeships!