It was a special concern for our Managing Director, Martin Ebner, to welcome around 30 mechanical engineering students from the TH Deggendorf to our Plant 2 and to introduce them to the world of the Strama Group.
After all, he himself was a dual student at the THD and, following his BachelorOfEngineering and MasterOfScience, completed his MBA last year.
After a detailed tour of the plant and lunch together, however, the sides were switched and it was the students' turn to get hands-on.
Divided into seven groups, they were asked to use the design thinking method to discuss selected megatrends such as gender shift, new work or connectivity as creatively as possible in relation to mechanical engineering.
Finally, they presented their solutions and recommendations for action in a large group, with the three best-placed teams receiving a small reward.
Thank you TH Deggendorf for the lively exchange - we look forward to many more workshops!